Here's the latest on space, and my opinions on it... This is the legacy site, with blog
entries from November, 2004 through June, 2011. Updates after June 9, 2011 can be found at http://spacewhatnow.com/SWN
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Aliens didn't have Al Gore
During the Cold War, one reason listed for the Fermi Paradox was nuclear annihilation. It stands to reason that in this day of concerns over global climate change, someone would pose it as a solution for the same paradox.
Another possibility is that they fell for the "We have to fix everything on our planet before we move outward" fallacy.
6:09 pm est
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Happy Holidays/ Earth as Art
I wish everyone the best of their particular religious festival timed to nearly coincide with the Winter Solstice.
Looks like a website is drawing some traffic by reposting the Earth as Art collection. Whatever draws the clicks!
5:20 pm est
Monday, December 21, 2009
Ed Lu Solidifies his Position
(I know, it's been while since I posted. I'll use the typical "Really busy" excuse)
Ed Lu has a piece where he solidifies his position as a former astronaut by telling NASA how to improve their launch capability. Basically, he says they need launch much more. I agree completely.
8:56 pm est
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