Here's the latest on space, and my opinions on it... This is the legacy site, with blog
entries from November, 2004 through June, 2011. Updates after June 9, 2011 can be found at http://spacewhatnow.com/SWN
Monday, April 27, 2009
It's a Fine Line Between Hobby and Mental Illness,
and the guy who built a 1/10 scale, 1600lb Saturn V rocket then flew it in Maryland is definitely on the line. In all seriousness, though, this is very cool in a way that cool is not normally
6:41 pm est
Thursday, April 23, 2009
So, What Does the Study say?
Discussion here and here about a study being done by The Aerospace Corporation (full disclosure: they're my employer) comparing an EELV launch solution
to the Ares program NASA is working on. In later-breaking news, others say that the study isn't done yet, so no conclusions can be drawn. I can't wait to see the report.
9:08 am est
At Cal Poly
I'm attending the CubeSat Conference at Cal Poly SLO. Almost 120 organizations are represented. The energy is high, and the future looks bright for a lot of
launch opportunities due to efforts such as going on at The Naval Postgraduate School. Nothing huge going on for TEMPO other than data gathering and contact making, because we're going to do a high-altitude balloon flight first.
9:02 am est
Friday, April 10, 2009
Closing Window...
7:53 am est
Thursday, April 9, 2009
First (for me) Foundation
Growing up, I was more a fan of Arthur C. Clarke instead of Isaac Asimov. I think I tried to read an Asimov book when I was
too young and then felt he was over my head. Anyway, I'm currently getting caught up on some great books on CD as I commute
to work and other locations, and right now I'm on the Foundation Series. Right now I'm on book 2, but they go pretty quick and I have book 3 at the ready.
Some of the stuff about an empire in decline is a little spooky, given current events...
8:09 pm est
Friday, April 3, 2009
Bob Park will Love it
Bob Park, a University of Maryland Physics professor, is not a big fan of the manned space program. As I interpret his writings,
he's of the opinion that space exploration is purely for the production of scientific papers, which robotic exploration can
provide much more efficiently than crewed spaceflight. So, this article, where someone in Japan says they're going to have their own walking robot on the moon by 2020 should make him happy.
9:02 pm est
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Seems a bit Sparse...
Here is a map of networks of optical bolide trackers. I think there should be more of them, and that it would be a good role
for amateurs.
8:47 pm est
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