Here's the latest on space, and my opinions on it... This is the legacy site, with blog
entries from November, 2004 through June, 2011. Updates after June 9, 2011 can be found at http://spacewhatnow.com/SWN
Sunday, November 30, 2008
ISS Flies over the Rocky Mountains
I just got back from a week in Colorado. I have a new (to me) toy, and I decided to try it out taking some images. A favorite is displayed on the right (long-term version here)
Hopefully, more to come.
10:31 am est
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
QuikSCAT Honored
Going on ten years ago, I played a small role in the launching of QuikSCAT, a rapid-replacement satellite for a capability that was lost on another satellite. My job was to come up with the training
scenario that integrated the range, weather, and launch squadrons with their support personnel. Today, QuikSCAT was honored by NASA for its revolutionary data.
5:50 pm est
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Amateur Radio Operator Without a Rig
It's looking like TEMPOł will be transmitting on the amateur radio bands (exact frequencies still under investigation), so some team members suggested
I take my amateur radio tests. It's not that hard, especially if you have a technical background, you tinker in electronics,
or have taken one electrical engineering class. Morse Code is not required for any license level. I tested for both Technician Class and General yesterday. Here are some resources to help other prospective operators: - Here is a narrative study guide for the Technician test(pdf file)
- Here is a narrative study guide for the General test (pdf file)
- Here is a site where you can take repeated exams with samplings of each question pool
- When you're ready, you can find a testing
location here. Testing locations are authorized to charge up to $14 to defray costs (going up to $15 in '09).
I don't have any radio
equipment at my house yet, so my first transmission may be from space!
7:24 am est
Canary Islands Discussion
Space exploration advocacy is rife with historical comparisons. The American West as a frontier engine is a common one, though
I tend to think the great migration from Africa is a much better one. Rand Simberg is hosting a discussion comparing Europe's use of the Canary Islands in the development of the new world to using the moon in the development of Mars.
7:06 am est
Sunday, November 2, 2008
We hold these principles...
4:24 pm est
Space: Search Now! with Google
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