Here's the latest on space, and my opinions on it... This is the legacy site, with blog
entries from November, 2004 through June, 2011. Updates after June 9, 2011 can be found at http://spacewhatnow.com/SWN
Friday, May 30, 2008
Did life on Mars Suffer from high Blood Pressure?
It looks like water in Mars' past had too much salt to support much life as we know it, at least at the Spirit landing site. Of course, it's hard to judge from the detail
given in the article, but the article hints at the possibility of less salty water before the epoch discussed. My first thought
was that the water got saltier as it evaporated.
5:19 am est
Lots of PhDs, but what they Really need...
...is a plumber. The toilet on board the space station has broken down again. Luckily, there's a parts delivery mission scheduled to go up this week, and the repair parts have arrived. I guess the shuttle could use a new paint scheme.
5:14 am est
To Low Earth Orbit (and Back? to Stay? not Beyond Until 2020)
4:46 am est
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Elon Musk at ISDC
I've always enjoyed hearing Elon Musk (president of SpaceX) talk. His delivery is so refreshing compared to what is usual
for aerospace companies. Where one presenter will pound the podium saying "this will work!", Elon will say, "if this doesn't
work, our cost will be X, if it does, our cost will be less." There's plenty of that to be found in this liveblogging of his speach at ISDC. Here's a favorite. When asked about SpaceX schedule problems (they originally said they'd go from founding to launch in
18 months), he said: Statements in first 2 years of the company should be disregarded due to idiocy. Honesty.
Even I'd probably use the word "naivete" instead of "idiocy."
6:05 pm est
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
MRO's Continued Confirmation
The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter took a picture of Phoenix on the surface of Mars. It also captured the craft's heatshield, backshell, and parachute in the same frame.
Wait 'til the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter starts returning pictures of the lunar landings sites of the 1960's and 1970's. The Moon landing hoax-ers will have to come
up with a whole new line of stories about how the hoax was pulled off!
6:18 pm est
Model Rocket Surface-to-air Missile?
This article discusses an object that came close to an airliner taking off out of Houston. The best guess is that it was a model rocket.
I hope that the rest of the details come out at some point, because the article makes a lot of wild guesses about what happened,
and draws some generalizations about model rocketry. In one paragraph, they claim that model rockets routinely go higher
than 40,000', which is a BIG simplification. Most people who fly model rockets don't launch them over 1500'. By the time
you get to 40,000' flights, you're talking high power rocketry, which usually takes place at closely controlled ranges that
are nowhere near an airport. It's always possible that some rogue builder made themselves a big rocket and launched it while
not following established practices, but hopefully something like that would come out in the investigation...
5:05 pm est
Monday, May 26, 2008
You know you have Presence Around a Planet...
...when one of your spacecraft can take a picture of another one arriving.
The coolness continues...
4:53 pm est
Hail Phoenix!
Watched the landing last night with the kids. I love the theater of having the rows of controllers lined up watching telemetry
that's 16 minutes old. Obviously, the landing went well. Here are some headliners. - First color image here.
- Raw images so far here (Harry Potter fans should take note of the name of the URL)
- Main website here.
7:23 am est
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Big Doin's at Google Lunar X-Prize
I hadn't been following it that closely, but the GLXP appears to have drawn some real interest. There are 14 teams (the original X-Prize had more, but for this time out, there
is an application fee. That cuts down the number of people who get on the web after having a couple beers and sign up) currently
registered, and they had a meeting just recently.
According to this team blog entry, the team meeting was a "wake-up call." Turns out, the members of this team signed up to prove that cheap space science
missions were possible, allowing inexpensive exploration of planetary moons. The meeting showed them that the true goal is: to
promote the so-called commercialization of space (which I took to mean highly impractical stuff like mining the moon and beaming
power to the earth, as shown in one of GLXP kickoff videos), humanity’s future in space, etc. etc. Do these people
think that the commercialization of space rules out scientific exploration of space? I hope they put more thought into their
analyses (assuming they are scientists) in their day job. Commercialization of space opens the door for scientific investigations
that we haven't even dreamed of yet.
I hope they realize this and stick with the project. If not, at least there are still plenty of other teams!
11:50 am est
Friday, May 23, 2008
See you at ISDC!
7:32 pm est
Independent Navigation
Still not caught up on a few projects. Spent this afternoon after work boarding up a recently-vacated birdhouse to cut down
on the droppings on our back patio.
Also found this article on navigating via x-ray pulsars. Solo navigation will be a key to true free commerce beyond Earth orbit. GPS does a great job in low Earth orbit for now, which is good enough for your boost beyond LEO as well. Another idea (potentially
money-making) would be subscription-based location determination via sun-orbiting beacons...there's probably a science fiction
story in there somewhere.
7:23 pm est
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Seven Minutes of Terror
On its way for Mars Phoenix as it enters Mars' atmosphere on May 25th. Great video overview of what's expected here. I have a project perking to celebrate the landing, and will announce it here when I can.
1:53 pm est
Saturday, May 10, 2008
A Patient Debater that I Still Disagree with
Over at Phil Plait's place, he wrote about a NASA story comparing the tech in 2001: A Space Odyssey to today's real space program. Phil took issue (and I agree with said issue) with their comparing the massive space station
in the movie to the ISS.
Discussion ensued, and one pure-blooded pro-robots in space type showed up. He was pretty patient, taking on several of us
at once at times, though in the end he said we were talking past each other. In many of these cases, the discussions are
similar to those about politics, where so many initial assumptions are made on both sides that, unless those are fleshed out
as part of the talk, the talk isn't useful. I hadn't thought through some of the topics that came up in a while, so I'll
take this time to spell some of my thinking out. - If you only want to learn some of the basics about the environment
around our planet, you want to use robots. Robots' capabilities will increase over time as well to return information about
our neighborhood.
- Humans remain the viable option for an in-depth study of any particular body. This is especially true
if the humans can analyze their discoveries on-site with time for re-evaluation. Robots can help in this endeavor, though
the correct mix must be found.
- I think that it's a good idea to have some portion of our human population live off the
planet. I hope that colonization is never automated through robots.
- Resource utilization from space, while it faces a
huge barrier because of the havoc it will play on Earth markets, is one of few viable options for allowing continued expansion
of our species.
- Space efforts so far have not had the goal of developing utility or practicality. The customers (usually
governmental) can accept high costs for what they believe to be high reliability, so there's been no market force driving
costs down.
- Aircraft manufacturing and operations changed radically after it started because it had a 'garage' mentality,
in that many people could experiment. Space is just entering that phase.
7:03 pm est
Friday, May 9, 2008
Great Minds?
Earlier I did some analysis on good candidate asteroids for a sprint class (less than 6 months) mission. One of the best ones I
came up with was 2000 SG344. If intel is correct, NASA is looking at the same asteroid for a mission. I've learned about some new tools since my labor-intensive
study, like JPL's Horizons public software, and there are a few close approaches in the 2028-2029 timeframe, and though the one I discussed was the
closest, others have a lower relative speed, which can make a big difference on fuel. This table lists the close-approach
date, statistical mean distance (in astronautical units), and relative velocity (in km/sec):
2028 May 07 | .020199 | 2.034 |
2029 Feb 16 | .053647 | 1.471 |
2029 Jul 28 | .035037 | 1.189 |
2029 Nov 21 | .045229 | 1.253 |
6:09 pm est
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Watching Avarice Grow From Space
Pictured at the right is a sequence of images from Landsat 7 showing the growth of the Palm Islands and the World Islands from 2002 through 2007. The last image was taken after a failure within the instrument, giving it the 'venetian blind' effect.
The image will be on the front page for a week, thereafter it can be found here.
Update: I posted this while watching a good movie, and forgot to mention that I don't have a problem with Dubai's approach
to spending their oil money. I think it's a very good idea to build a huge tourist mecca using the money while it's coming
in. Another such project is a robotic Jurassic Park.
8:25 pm est
Monday, May 5, 2008
Dry Spell
I've got some studying to do, and spent this weekend reminding myself why I became an engineer by installing a new kitchen
floor with my brother. Test on Wednesday, then a few posts in the queue.
6:08 pm est
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