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entries from November, 2004 through June, 2011. Updates after June 9, 2011 can be found at http://spacewhatnow.com/SWN
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Another Piece to the Puzzle?
One of the most puzzling events in human history is the Tunguska event, a massive explosion in 1908 in the forests of Siberia (note: some of the dates used in the article use the Julian calendar
instead of the Gregorian). Many possibilities to the cause have been forwarded, from an asteroid, comet, a UFO to even a small
black hole. The event was recorded worldwide on seismographs, but data gathering was frustrated by difficult travel, and not
many expeditions made it to the site in a reasonable time to survey the damage. One puzzling thing about the event was the
lack of an impact crater, then thought to be a necessary part of any 'normal' impact. It looks like a crater may have been found. The claim sounds OK so far, but requires another (scheduled) expedition. If verified, it's possible
that pieces of the impactor itself may be gathered. As an aside, here is a list of places where the Tunguska event appears in fiction. Growing up, I was a fan of both The Hardy Boys and Tom Swift,
but I'd never heard of their crossover novel The Alien Factor.
4:00 am est
Monday, June 25, 2007
Light Posting
As the dates show in recent posts, I haven't been as active recently. Nothing is really catching my fancy. Here are a few
items - A Mars terraforming project for this century...sounds cool, and I'd love it to happen but it sounds a bit optimistic
- Keep and eye on Dawn as the mission winds down to launch
- The Bad Astronomer links to, and discusses a way for new stars to transfer their angular momentum to the dust disks surrounding them (note: anti-creationist
'spin' included)
5:01 pm est
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
I've been skydiving a few times, as a tandem (you wear an instructor on your back as well as a parachute, and can free-fall
on your first jump), static line (the 'traditional' way of starting out, you jump from the plane with a line attached to the
rip cord), and free fall with an instructor holding on to me.
I didn't have the location, presence of mind, or timing to do what Sgt. Eric Thompson did. He jumped from an airplane, with an instructor on his back and a photographer following them down. At the same time,
a Delta II rocket lifted off from Vandenberg Air Force base and broke through the clouds. The picture is quite amazing.
Of course, due to sensory overload, he may not remember seeing the flight himself, but he has some great memories and drinkin'
stories to share.
7:34 pm est
Sunday, June 17, 2007
My wife asked me the loaded question a couple days ago. "What do you want to do for Father's Day?" Of course, the answer
"Sit around in my underwear and re-watch extended versions of Lord of the Rings" wouldn't have been a good response. So,
I dredged up something I'd heard about, tried half-heartedly a couple times, but never succeeded at. Geocaching was my more acceptable answer. We found our first cache today, probably partially because I chose an easy one for our two
year old to navigate with us. I had fun, and I think we'll do it again. Registration is free, and odds are there's a cache
near you within a walk or a short drive and then a walk. When you find the cache, you sign the log, leave something, and
take a trinket.
Oh, how is this space related? The only way you can search for a geocache is by using GPS Satellites and a (best hand-held or wrist-mounted) receiver (the link is to the unit I got for Christmas). My early space experience was in getting early GPS spacecraft into their
operational orbit to complete the initial constellation, and I note with a smile that the Wikipedia article on GPS has an
image of my old wing patch.
7:55 pm est
It all Started with a Simulation
In 1999, as The Air Force ramped up for the launch of an experimental satellite for sea winds prediciton, I was tasked with
writing a training scenario for the whole launch team (range, weather, launch vehcile operations, and satellite operations)
including people from out of town. That satellite was called QuikSCAT. I had a good time with the scenario, finding some conflicting launch criteria in the constraints documents, and showing
training scenes from From the Earth to the Moon as a lead-in for the team. My most memorable moment was driving back
to the briefing room (the simulation was spread around the base) wondering how my scenario had been accepted. Turns out they
liked it as a learning experience.
Fast forward a few years. That satellite, originally designed as a testbed (a previous satellite carried a similar payload,
but failed before the full capabilities could be exploited, so QuikSCAT was meant as a test for rapid-replacements) has become
part of operational hurricane prediction. This leads to articles such as this, reporting on a letter to Congress about upcoming uncertainties in hurricane predictions if QuikSCAT fails (by the way, I
don't really like the title, because most satellties could fail at any time...), and this, a report on the head of the National Hurricane Center getting reprimanded for saying many of the same things in public as
are in the letter.
I won't comment much on this, as my closeness to the project, however imagined, could make things sticky. I will state my
standard thoughts when such things come up: - We'll probably never have the whole story
- The more sensational a claim
made, the more skeptically you should look at it
- Ask yourself what the parties have to gain (monetarily, politcially, etc)
from any piece of reported news
12:55 pm est
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Are the Docking Connections Compatible?
Looks like Firefly and Serenity are headed up to the ISS. DVD versions of the TV show and the movie based upon it are going to join the growing collection
of DVDs there. Here is a website hyping the fact, and their opening graphic shows the ship Serenity (Firefly class) in 'proximity operations'
to the space station. Given the number of technical reviews a craft requires before getting so close (more hours required
than actually produced for the show...possibly more hours required than actually expended to make the show), the science fiction
of the scene moves into bureaucratic fiction as well.
While I think this is cool, I look forward to the day when space travel is frequent enough that people don't get this excited
about such a fact.
5:23 am est
A Family Vacation Photo Required?
NASA is building an upgraded Apollo Capsule for our return to the Moon travel to Mars and Beyond. That capsule had two sections, a service module and a command
module, which needed to be connected during flight for electrical power, computer signals, and fluid flow (water was generated
on the service module and needed to be piped to the command module, and it's likely that cooling fluids also needed to pass).
So, there's a team designing a similar connector for the new Orion spacecraft, and they wanted to take a look at how the old version solved certain problems because they couldn't get a full
version of the blueprints. According to this article, the team was just kinda stuck until one of them saw a family vacation photo (on the internet!) of this spacecraft (a picture from my own vacation archives) and realized that there was one existing near-flight-ready Apollo capsule. I hope
that the article is just overplaying a fun fact that somone had seen the picture, not that the luck of a family vacation photo
was actually required for the discovery of this critical piece of hardware. If it was just luck, how many times do we need
to get lucky to learn more of the lessons of Apollo? What happens if we don't get lucky enough?
5:02 am est
Fly Atlantis
I missed the live launch on TV, but caught some replays. Glad to see the shuttle up again. I guess we need to make a trip
down there with the kids to try and see one before 2010...
On the topic of launches, Space.com did a gallery of 20 great launches. In my opinion it's a little weighted to standard looking shuttle launches, but one really caught my
eye where the shadow of the shuttle's plume seemed to point right to the moon. It got picked up by Astronomy Picture of the Day, where they have a larger version available.
While I've seen a shuttle launch, and recommend it to anyone, the most amazing live launch I've seen was a Ttian IV in October of 1997 going into a bank of low clouds at night. The transition of the clouds being lit from below to being
lit from within to being lit from above looked like something out of Raiders of the Lost Ark. Here is a similar shot, though it's only one image and it isn't the launch I was at.
4:45 am est
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Space Needs You!
Though I don't talk about it much, I've come to the realization that Congress is a major player in space for good, evil, and
mostly indifference. I do lobby Congress on occasion, and keep my conscience clear by saying that I do it as a volunteer
instead of a paid lobbyist. The events actually will teach any participant a lot about how our system of government works,
and while I'm sure you won't be happy about all the things you'll learn, you'll be glad you know them. It's also pretty cool
to get to meet a bunch of people who think in a similar way. Funny things can happen as well, as I was involved in the "counterfeit
incident" described in this article. The Moon-Mars Blitz is scheduled to happen on Monday and Tuesday next week, with training on Sunday. Sign up here, and I'll see you there.
4:11 am est
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Awards, for What?
The Bad Astronomer (now relocated to Boulder) has a post about Lisa Nowak, NASA's wayward astronaut. She's in line for a spaceflight medal. Much discussion ensues.
2:13 pm est
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